Going live with your campaign

    Instructions on how to start using STUCC quickly and efficiently.

    Adding users

    Are you the only user of STUCC in your company? In this case feel free to skip this section.

    To add a new user open the Users tab and click the new user button .
    Note: Only the Login, Team and Password fields are mandatory.

    You can choose one or more of the following teams for the user:

    • Admins have full access to everything.
    • Operators have permission to work with campaign data like importing contact lists, exporting results.
    • Supervisors can add new agent accounts, assign agents to campaigns, listen to ongoing calls and use analytics tools.
    • Backoffice has permission to search for contacts and to modify them. Usually assigned to users who handle special cases.
    • Agents only have access to the call area.

    Tip: If you have users working from different locations fill in the Branch field. This allows you to do analytic comparison later.

    Tip: Use the Extra field for any additional information you would like to store about the user. This can also be structured information which can be searched or extracted later.

    Don't forget to press the save button on the top right.

    Arranging form fields

    When you first import a contact list to a campaign all columns in that list will be added as form fields to the agent screen. Each field will be placed on a new line. In many cases this is sufficient, however, a little polishing can dramatically increase usability.

    To adjust the agent form to your liking, open the Campaigns tab and switch to the Form view. There you will see a list of all data fields in your campaign.

    Tip: The following changes will make it easier for your agents to work with that form:

    • change the field order simply by dragging fields up and down
    • change field titles to something more readable. The original field name will still be used for importing of contacts and exporting call results.
    • if you want the next field to go on the same line deactivate the line break option for that field
    • if you want to hide a field from the agent simply activate the hidden option
    • if the content of a field should not be modified by the agent activate the read-only option
    • if a field must be filled for a successful call simply activate the mandatory option
    • activate the part of name option for each field that belongs to the name of your contact. Those fields will be presented as contact name in various situations.
    • to gather additional information during a call add a new text field with the button and give it a field title

    At any time you can press the preview button to see a preview of the agent screen. When you're done don't forget to press the save button to make your changes permanent.

    Important Note: It is best to check the agent form via the preview button before you start calling contacts. Check that everything is as expected and that there are no errors. Note also, that saving any changes of the mask has a direct impact on the live agent mask.

    Setting a caller ID

    Regulation in some markets requires you to make calls with a visible caller ID which customers can call back. And even if not legally obliged, sending a valid caller ID will help build trust in your call. If you still don't want to send a caller ID with your call, you can skip this section.

    STUCC allows you to use any phone number you already own as caller ID in outgoing calls. Some customers who have missed your call will probably call back that number. With STUCC you have the option to either

    • handle those callbacks outside of STUCC with your existing phone lines

      — or —

    • route those inbound calls back to the outbound calling team

    In either case you need to register your existing phone number as a phone line in STUCC. Once this is done you can simply choose to use that line as caller ID for outbound calls in your campaign.

    Step 1 - Registering an existing phone number as phone line

    Open the Phone numbers tab and press the new line button to add a new line. Choose a title for that line and fill in the existing phone number you want to register. Choose also how you want to handle calls to that number. Then press save to store your settings.

    Next you need to prove ownership for that phone number. This is done by initiating a verification call.

    If you want to handle callbacks outside of STUCC with your existing phone lines

    Simply choose line option existing phone or PBX. Once you choose that option a new field for entering a verification code will appear.

    Make sure you have the phone by your side and can personally take calls to that number. Press verification call when you're ready to verify the line. STUCC will make an automated call to the specified number with a voice spelling out the verification code. Enter the code and press verify to complete the setup. The status indicator should now read verified.

    If you want to route inbound calls back to the outbound calling team

    Choose the PSTN Dial-in line option. STUCC accepts incoming calls through designated dial-in numbers or through a VoIP (SIP)-Gateway.

    Now set up call forwarding from your phone line to the dial-in number shown on the configuration page.

    Once call forwarding is in place on your phone press the verification call button. STUCC will now make an automated call to the specified number which should be diverted immediately to the dial-in number. As soon as STUCC receives the forwarded call, the status indicator will read verified.

    Step 2 - Use phone line as outgoing caller ID

    Open the Tasks tab and click at the Call symbol at the top of the task list. The settings page for that task will open on the right side. Inside the Caller ID & Inbound section there is a dropdown field Assigned line that lets you choose the phone number to be used as caller ID.

    Note: You can use the same phone number for any number of outbound call tasks even across different campaigns.

    If calls to that number are routed back to STUCC, those calls will automatically be assigned to agents currently active in that task. Whenever a user is requesting a new live contact he will be connected to an already waiting inbound caller if available. The agent will hear a distinct call tone and see a message on the screen before the connection is put through. STUCC makes sure the call is indeed a callback for that task and the contact is still in an open state. To learn more about handling various kinds of inbound calls see Call modes / Inbound calling.

    Exporting call results

    Most campaigns require you to report call results back to your client. In STUCC this is called export and is another step ("task") in your campaign. A contact moves from one campaign task to another as soon as a final result has been reached. Usually a call result success will make the contact appear in a different export than declined.

    You can see all exports that have been set up in your campaign when you open the Export tab.

    If there are any new contacts ready for export they will be indicated by a new label in front of the export file name. All contacts reaching that export task will go into that file.

    As soon as you click on that filename the file is closed and downloaded. Once the download is complete the file will still show in the list but with an export timestamp instead of the new label.
    Note: You can always come back an download that same file again.

    All contacts appearing in that export task thereafter will go into a new file. That way you can easily keep track of which results have already been reported back and which are still open.

    Per default the file will be tabulator separated text format with all your campaign fields included. Any spread sheet software will be able to open that file.

    If your client requires a different format or if you want to create printable documents instead see Setting up tasks / 'Export' task for how to customize your export.

    Topping up your call credit

    You can top up your call credit through either one-time payments or through enabling an automatic payment once your call credit goes below a certain limit which you can configure.

    Find all configuration options as well as the STUCC payment information in the Billing tab

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